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Freight Transport and Logistics
Rubber, Plastics, Packaging
Chemical Industry
About ClearD3
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Check if
pricing with demand insight could work for
your company
Check if ClearD3™’s pricing with demand insight could work for your company
How would you describe the pricing process in your company?
Costs and margins are known to our customers (open book)
There is a reliable and transparent single market benchmark price (market-based pricing)
There is a range of prices that customers are used to for the niche and the quality of the product/service we are known for. Prices are renegotiated annually for major customers based on our costs and customers’ perception of supply/demand.
How many direct competitors do you have (broadly)?
Fewer than 4
Between 4 and 15
Over 15
How standardized is your product/service?
There are clear set technical standards (grades) for the product and delivery.
There are broad standards, but there is a difference between different suppliers, their quality, punctuality, service, technical expertise. Some differences are hard to measure.
Nearly everything is tailored to each customer, there is a considerable consulting and design aspect to each customer.
What is the average number of times you quote a price to a customer
per month
(each product line/price should count as one).
Fewer than 10
Between 10 and 500
Over 500
What percentage of your revenues are accounted for by top 5 customers?
Over 50%
Between 10% and 50%
Under 10%
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